Store Thoughts, Retrieve Brilliance!

BrainBin is your personal knowledge vault. Store any information, from simple notes to complex ideas, and access them whenever you need.

Elevate Note-taking

Flexible metadata
Add detailed metadata to your notes as desired. This customization allows for a more personalized and efficient search.
Powerful search
Leveraging specific metadata, our advanced filtration system navigates through your notes, helping you find the right information effortlessly.
Data queries
With BrainBin, you can embody the power of data within your notes. Write a query within a note to generate a table based on specific criteria, creating a dynamic and useful connection among your notes.
Interlinked notes
BrainBin allows for the easy creation of links between notes. This builds an interconnected, comprehensive knowledge network, enhancing your understanding and recall
File attachments
Enhance your notes with relevant files. Documents, images, or other files can be attached directly to your notes, providing richer context and easier reference.



$0 /month

Get Started
  • Unlimited notes
  • Link notes together
  • Note metadata
  • Powerful search


$5.99 /month

Get Started
  • All free features
  • File attachments
  • Data queries within notes
  • Note templates
  • Note history